While we are studing Ancient Rome, the boys and I are reading City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction by David MacAulay. The boys are enjoying about all the different process of planning out a city. Tonight, they made a Roman Road that we had for dessert. The cake is the earth, dug out to make way for mint curbstones, chocolate chip rocks, carmel sand, and of course marshmallow stones. Then the sides were frosted green for the grass. It was fun build a road with them and tell them that we used the same process for laying our patio this summer. They were impressed that we used a process developed in Ancient Rome.
Edible learning is the best! I'm sure my own "3 knights" would love to do this next year when we get back to Ancient History!
Very cute idea! I'll be bookmarking this for our studies about Ancient Rome later in the year.