Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Beautiful Random No School Day

Yesterday, the boys and I left the books in their drawers and went to the Zoo. It was beautiful outside. We walked the Northern Trail, then headed inside to Discovery Bay and the Tropics Trail, ending the day walking through the Minnesota Trail.  The boys loved watching all the animals and many were quite active.  The boys loved being able to run on the outside trails and to see many animals. 

Today, both boys wrote and drew about things they saw at the Zoo. Micah dictated his sentences to me, then copied them. Bryce wrote his own narrations. They love to draw, so this was another chance to practice their drawing skills using the books Draw Write Now.

Micah's Writing and Drawing of Monkeys

Bryce's writing and drawing about bears.

Matthew had fun finding and matching upper and lower case letters today.
Thinking hard and making sure the letters are in alphebetical order.

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