Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Exploding Volcanoes

 Over the last few weeks, we have been reading about Pompeii. This seems like a great time to also learn more about volcanoes. The boys have loved being able to do experiments and have volcanoes exploding in our kitchen.  This also seemed like a good time to introduce the Scientific Method.

Bryce's Volcano Experiment Lab Report

First question:  Does flour effect the creation of bubbles?
     He planned to determine this by seeing how far a cork would travel. We quickly figured out the cork traveled to far to do this experiment in the house.

Second question: Does flour effect how long the bubbles stay?

He measured the out come by timing from the time I poured in the vinegar until the bubbles were flat in the remaining liquid.

Hypothesis:  The more flour the longer the bubbles will last.

Experiment 1:  1 Cup Vinegar, 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda, No Flour
          Results: 2 minutes
Experiment 2: 1 Cup Vinegar, 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda, 1 Tablespoon Flour
          Results: 5 minutes
Experiment 3: 1 Cup Vinegar, 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda, 2 Tablespoons Flour
          Results: 6 minutes

Conclusion:  My hypothesis was true, flour does effect the longness of the bubbles.

Micah's Volcano Experiment Lab Report

Question: I wonder if the amount of baking soda effects the amount of bubbles created.

He will measure his results by taking pictures to record his observations.

Hypothesis: I think experiment 1 will have the biggest eruption because it has the most tablespoons of baking soda. I think the eruption will flow out of the pan.

Experiment 1: 1 Cup Vinegar, 1 Tablespoon Flour, 2 Tablespoons baking soda
Experiment 2: 1 Cup Vinegar, 1 Tablespoon Flour, No Baking Soda

Experiment 3: 1 Cup Vinegar, 1 Tablespoon Flour, 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda

Conclusion: Experiment 3 had the most bubbles. I think this was because there was less baking soda and flour in the bottom of the bottle after mixing with the vinegar. Yes, the amount of baking soda effects the amount of bubbles.

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