Friday, August 27, 2010

Favorite Homeschooling Websites

Now that we are a few weeks into our new school year and many others are gearing up for theirs many people have been posting thier favorite websites. I thought it would be interesting to see what I come up with. Many times I go to a site, bookmark and then never return there. Of course, I usually go through my sites and find some that would have been helpful over the last few months.  These are the sites that I do go to on a regular basis.

I love to read the curriculum formus. I don't post much but I am always looking at what others are using. I don't change what we are using very often but it is always interesting to look at what else is out there. Many ideas for our days have come from these forums and some new curriculum options too.

Book lists, oh how I love book lists. This site has given me many great ideas of books I have never heard of for Bryce to read independantly.

Another great site to look at the book lists. I actually think this is a great looking curriulum, just to much reading for our family.

Another book list, only this time for the emergent reader. I have use Hooked on Phonics to teach both Bryce and Micah to read. When they finish that, we then work through this list. I think it is wonderful because the boys started reading Level 2 books and finish reading short chapter books. I have found the transtion of longer books with pictures to short chapter books, a hard transition to make and this list has helped in many, many ways.

One more booklist site, this is what you get when you are a planner. Lots of lists, then you can find enough quality, reviewed books in the local library.

Great FREE lapbooks and unit studies.

You do need to create an account for this site but it is free. I like to use the Theme Sheets. In fact, we are going to do a space unit in Sept and almost everything will come from this site.

Great site to be able create free worksheets. I really like that I am able to create different math sheets for review for the boys.

I have found the schedules here the most useable for our family. Although, I don't seem to stick to them for long.

When I do let the kids online, they are set up here for games that are past the preschool age.

My boys favorite site, they love to play games with their TV pals.

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