Last week all three boys had thier yearly physicals. I am happy to report all are healthy and growing great.
Bryce - 7 years old
48 inches
47.8 lbs
Currently, Bryce is a first grader at home of course. In school, he is studing Ancient Greece. I am reading Black Ships Before Troy to him, he is currently reading It's all Greek to Me and Little House in the Big Woods. In math, he is working on getting his addition facts faster and learning his multiplication tables.
Micah - 5 years old
44.5 inches
43.2 lbs
Micah is a preschooler who loves to do dot to dots. Micah is learning how to add and loves to read. He is currently reading the Beginners Bible to me and I am reading My Father's Dragon to him.
Matthew - 3 years old
37.25 inches 50%
32.6 lbs 50%
I think those 50% is what makes this mom's heart the happiest, with all of the issues Matthew has been having with food to see him in the 50% tells me his formula is really enough. Oh and he is the happiest kid I know. Matthew is having fun learning all of his letters and playing outside. He also sings like a crazy man in the car - it is so much fun to listen to.
I am so happy that my children are all growing and healthy, there is not much more a mom can ask for.