Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Science Center of Iowa
We decided to take a mid-September vacation. Not wanting to go far, we decided to go visit our friends the Faust's in Iowa for a few days then head to Omaha, Nebraska. On our way to the Faust's, we stopped at the Science Center of Iowa. What a wonderful Science Museum, we did not schedule enough time to be there. There were so many hands on activities, they were not sure where to head to.
Bryce thought the Ball Wall was really cool. He would get a ball started then run from spot to spot to make the ball go where he wanted it to. When, he did succeed in making the ball go where he wanted he would jump up and down with joy.
We also watched a presentation on Crazy Chemistry. Bryce and Micah were each able to help with different experiments. It was fun to watch their faces and listen to their guesses as to what would happen.
We hope to be able to visit the Science Center of Iowa again. This time planning more time for the visit.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Cottage Grove Public Works Open House
Thursday, September 15th Cottage Grove Public Works held an Open House. The boys loved climbing in the big trucks, pushing the buttons, and talking on the CB's.
Matthew thought it was important to put on his seat belt.
Bryce and Micah had fun driving the front-end loaders.
Matthew fits inside the tractor tire.
Waiting in line can be tough, but the wait was worth the climb into the trucks.
The boys were also able to make a non-toxic cleaner. I told them I have new bathroom cleaners. (Now, I just have to teach them how to clean the bathroom:)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Ideal Open Space
The boys and I decided to finish school after lunch one day and head to the playground. I am hoping to do this a few more times before the snow starts to fly. The boys had fun exploring the different equipment at this playground.
Climbing was a hit.
Bryce was nervous but he did make it to touching the top.
We had fun. I love the flexiblity that homeschooling is allowing in our lives.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Camping at Nerstrand Big Woods State Park
We love to go camping, Memorial Day and Labor Day Weekends, you can usually find us camping with Nana, PopPop, the Faust's and/or the Kspeka's. This year everyone went camping for a total of 8 adults and 7 kids - yes the adults still out number the kids but barely. We are a big group but it is a great time to be able to relax, visit and let the kids play. As they are getting older and more independent, we adults get more time to sit around the fire.
The kids loved being able to ride their bikes and running around the playground area.
Of course, we had to go for a hike. These are still limited the kids are not that big - yet!
The kids loved being able to ride their bikes and running around the playground area.
The adults had fun sitting around the table playing Hand and Foot.
The kids found a great rock wall to climb up at the water fall.
Derek tried to get a picture of all the kids - he didn't do bad getting 5 out of 7 :)
Matthew found a friend at the playground with a bow and arrow. He is not shy about asking for a turn.
Derek and Bryce went on a hike by themselves. Bryce found a cool tree to sit on, some beautiful flowers and took a great picture of Derek and Lucy.
It was a great weekend. We are all ready to go again next spring at Sakatah Lake State Park.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
School Happenings
The start of our school year has been really good. The boys are adjusting to do school everyday again. They are loving the weekly assignment sheets with time allotments for each subject. I am loving how they are learning to be independent when I am working with one of their brothers.
Playing with Cuisenaire Rods
Taking a break - well not really - just enjoying freshly baked cookies, while continuing to work hard.
Excited to have completed Hooked on Phonics CD Game.
A friendly game of 7 Ate 9
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